28 दिसंबर 2010

JNU Administration’s Review Petition Challenging Delhi High Court’s (HC) 7th September Verdict Dismissed by Delhi HC!

JNU’s Faulty Cut-off Criteria for OBC Students Once More Held to be Illegal!!
Press Conference to be held tomorrow, December 28th (Tuesday) at JNUSU office (Teflas) from 12 pm Onwards.
 Petitioners Who Challenged JNU Administration in Court Will Be Present.

Over the past three years, the progressive sections of the entire JNU community have been struggling for the proper implementation of the legally mandated OBC reservations in the campus. When the JNU administration refused to change its faulty cut-off criteria for OBC students (which has led to 277 OBC students being denied admission in JNU this year alone), the victimized students were forced to approach the Delhi High Court for justice. The Delhi High Court (HC), in its 7th September judgment, had indicted JNU’s admission policy on OBC reservations. The HC was of the opinion that the JNU admission model was ‘bad’, and was not conforming with the constitutionally mandated provisions of OBC reservations. Instead of implementing the HC verdict in JNU, and moving towards correcting JNU’s policy, the JNU administration shockingly chose to challenge this verdict in the High Court. The JNU administration filed a review petition in the Delhi HC against the 7th September verdict. Subsequently, on December 23rd 2010, the HC once again upheld its 7th September verdict and dismissed JNU’s review petition.

The JNU administration has been continuing with this wrong admission policy for the past three years, unilaterally overruling the recommendations and directions of all decision-making and statutory bodies of JNU in the process. And the latest review petition filed by the JNU administration raises certain very important questions:

Ø  JNU, which is a public funded institution is behaving like a private individual litigant, challenging a existing law which it is legally bound to accept and implement.  
Ø  The JNU administration decided to independently and unilaterally move the HC to challenge the 7th September verdict without the mandate of any university body. Clearly, neither the Deans Committee, the Standing Committee on Admissions, JNU Academic Council or any other statutory decision-making body has been consulted on this issue.

This is a highly dangerous trend, with far-reaching repercussions for JNU’s transparent and democratic decision-making process.

Ø  JNU administration is fighting all these legal cases by spending public funds. In other words, a central university is not just overruling its own decision-making bodies, it is subsequently trying to justify its unilateral policies by spending public funds! Why should funds meant for the development of the university be spent to defend an administration’s ideological predilections? Can any administration be allowed a free hand to misuse public funds in this manner?

Ø  Time and again, JNU’s admission policy has been held to be illegal in the court of law (first in the 7th September judgment, and again on 23rd December 2010). In these cases, the court held that JNU should offer admission to the litigant students. And still JNU refuses to offer admission to all the victimized students! Should a central university create such an unprecedented situation wherein every student eligible for admission is forced to move the courts, fight a long legal battle, and prove once more that JNU is legally in the wrong?

Various student groups have called a press conference tomorrow to raise these issues. The student petitioners who challenged the JNU administration in the Delhi High Court – Usham Rozio Singh and Akansha – will be present at the conference to talk about the case.

Please send your reporter and photographer to cover the press conference.

 AIBSF       AISA         DSU       PSU      SFI       UDSF
Ravi Rai
General Secretary
All India Students' Association

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